Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Try

Now, where we left off was where Jon & I decided to give the whole "baby-making" thing a go! I tracked and based off my last period my fertility window was December 2-10. We truly tried to have sex every day during that time frame, but life happened. I was sick on Monday, so we missed that day, and Jon was sick Thursday so we missed that one too. After sex I laid there, hips up, and still for what seemed like forever but was probably only a few minutes. I checked my cervical mucus like everything said to but I just didn't notice a change. I may have been doing it wrong...

The 12th, the Sunday after our try I was sick again. But this wasn't the same. I had breakfast but during church my stomach started hurting. But only when I stood up, when I sat down I was fine. I ate lunch and then my stomach hurt again. I didn't eat again until after the Cantata at my husband's parents church and I was fine after that. I kept thinking (hoping) that it was morning sickness. I know Jon was excited over the possibility too. We almost bought a test, but decided that it was too soon. The next day I felt fine though, so I am pretty sure that wasn't it.

That whole day I thought I was pregnant. I kept googling to see when morning sickness could start. I am neurotic by the way! My mind was consumed with it Monday too. I have pretty much convinced myself now though that I am not.

I just got off birth control and that stuff can mess you up and make it take a while to conceive. Also, my husband and I have been together for 6 1/2 years without anything...granted we were actively preventing, but it just seems really unlikely that we would get pregnant that quickly.

I want to be though. I want to be pregnant, I want to be a mom, I want to start our family. We will see some time next week how the test turns out. I should start my period on Tuesday, so I may test then, but normally I start on Thursdays so I may wait. We decided that if we are pregnant this month that we would tell immediate family on Christmas. No one even knows that we are trying yet! If we aren't though then we are going to wait the accepted 8 weeks before we tell anyone.

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