Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I know it has been a while since my last post, but that is because I am kind of in a period of time where nothing is happening. Don't get me wrong, you kind of need this time after the stress & anxiety of the 2ww, but there just isn't much to post about. DH & I are trying to BD every 3 days, even though we know there isn't much of a chance right now. Starting Friday (maybe Thursday if I'm feeling frisky :)) we will be BDing every day!

I have high hopes about this cycle. I started taking my BBT day 1 of this cycle, and so far it hasn't varied much, staying around 97.5. Honestly, it is just one more thing to read too far into and obsess about, but it will make the 2ww this time more interesting at least!

We aren't really telling anyone that we are trying to get pregnant yet because we don't want everyone asking every month if we are yet. DH told me though, that I didn't have to lie about it. The first fertile weekend we went to see my best friend in NC and we were at a bar but I wasn't drinking. She asked if we were trying to get pregnant. So then she knew. Another friend wanted me to go visit her in MD while I was on Christmas break from work. I told her I wasn't sure because Jon & I were working on something. She then asked if we were trying to get pregnant. She she knows. And then we were at a party for New Years and I was talking to my friends mom (who is like a mother / friend to me) and I just told her! Aack! I felt so guilty afterwards, but I really just want to scream it from the rooftops!

We were going to travel to AZ in April to see my brother, his wife and their two children, but after doing the math it ended up that it was going to cost us $1,800. DH & I made the decision (after lots of tears on my end) to not go. It just doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money while we are trying to have a child! That is a month that I don't have to work. It is the entire bedroom set & probably everything else we need too. I had intended that we would use our tax return to pay for part of the trip but that would be better served for baby too. It was hard, but I had to send out an email to my brother that with everything going on (didn't mention trying to have a baby but did mention that they were in the future) we wouldn't be able to go. We are trying to find ways to make the trip cheaper and if we can get it down to about $1,000 (which I think is impossible) then we will still go. I really want to see my niece & nephew. 2 & 3! I love them!

That is really all that is going on in our lives right now though! Soon it will be baby making & 2ww time & that will be more exciting, but for now we just wait!

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