Friday, January 14, 2011


I am only 4dpo. I know I am pregnant. Scratch that. I know there is a better chance of me being completely loony than actually knowing I am pregnant right now. But still...I just know.
I know there have to be more of y'all out there that are completely neurotic like me that analyze and over-analyze everything until you feel like you are mad. Every time my body does ANYTHING I have Google up and BBC up and I am trying to figure out if it means what I hope it means.
The logical side of me knows that what I am feeling is progesterone and I am just not used to it because I was on birth control so long that I forgot what the post-ovulatory part of my cycle feels like. But the crazy neurotic side is driving me mad. What do the rest of y'all do to overcome this feeling of craziness...I know that if I keep it up and AF does come I will be in a world of hurt.
I guess this is just hard because I have been married four years and have wanted a child even longer than that and we have finally decided that it is time. I just want it to happen now.

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